Mobile Office Setup Guide - Google Android Mobile Device - ActiveSYNC
Last modified: July 19 2018 08:43 am

Android Mobile Device


To setup ActiveSync for Android you'll need the following information:

  1. Server address (don't include http://):
  2. Domain name should be left empty. So if it says "Domain\username" then enter \
  3. Whether your company or email provider requires an encrypted (SSL) connection to the mail server
  4. Your Mobile Office username and password

Note: The Exchange Server settings are case sensitive. Be sure to enter uppercase and lowercase letters properly.

  1. From the Applications Menu, Touch Email.
  2. Type in your email address and password. Check the box only if you want this to be your default email account. Touch Next.
  3. Touch Exchange Account.
  4. Enter your Exchange Server information and Touch Next.
  5. Your phone will check the incoming server settings.
  6. If everything is correct the Account Options screen will appear allowing you to customize your account settings.
  7. Finally, you will be asked to name this account and enter the name that will be displayed on outgoing messages. Touch Done when complete.

Note: If you are able to successfully connect an Exchange account on your phone, but your email and contacts are not syncing with your device, your company may have a security policy that prevents syncing.

NOTE: usernames and passwords are cAse SensITiVe.

A maximum of 30 days of mail can be sync'ed using ActiveSync. To see more then 30 days of email on your mobile device you must turn off Exchange ActiveSync email sync, and add a second account for email using IMAP (Click here for Android IMAP setup instructions)

If you don't know your username or password please contact Imageway Support